Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Fadzli's Cyst Operation Report

Appointment time was @ 8am. It was supposed to be scheduled on the 18th, but rearranged to 21st..I've been having fantasies on being hospitalised since kecik2 and im approaching this operation with high spirits. You see im stressed or tired too much to be afraid of needles this time. Good thing aight? Alan, Baba and Mak accompanied me there. It's good to have family supporting you all the way. Had some light breakfast and drank water cos i heard in an operation you'll be very dehydrated. I wondered how much im going to pay cos this is the first time im going to be operated UPON.

There are only 2 male patients, the rest are females..Budak kecik, aunty suma ada...We were given a wrist tag each, and was chaperoned to the Operating Theater. Kat sana we have to wear the green gown and shower cap. Serious nampak macam ER or House punya patients hehehhe...Alhamdulillah i din feel any gelabah ke apa cos i just want to get rid of this cyst. Lately the thing throbs mildly. A dr said the cyst could lead to something worse (cancer?). I just donno on HOW im going to be operated upon, i mean how am i supposed to sit, or lie down? Or the fact that i have to strip and wear this gown, rasa macam a very sesat Roman.

So after waiting for about half an hour, i was called. Jeng jeng jeng...Terdengar bunyi Braveheart soundtrack plak. Ingat nak tangkap gambar tapi segan plak...Nanti orang ingat mcm artis la plak nak bergambar..But i felt this is an important event la kan? Kena kerat sambil mata segar bugar...While waiting outside a student doctor came to me, greeted me and asked on how i was doing...Heheh this guy Azri must've watched Patch Adams pasal he practices on being a good, communicating doctor. Ada setengah student doctor kecoh ngan derang punya text books. My advice is, to become a good doctor u need to have good hambluminannas (relation with humans), you know not being too rigid and end up not treating the patient emotionally. Good job. Later in the OT i saw a table...Mak aii kena baring macam dalam Medik TV? Siap ramai orang.

The best thing was, masa atas table i asked the doctor, "Operation ni kacau optical nerves tak?".Gotcha. She then asked her students yg dah start tunduk2 takmo jawab soalan tu. Lama2 she answered herself, so tak kacau la optic nerves..Selamat gue..Then the doctor asked me, "Are u a medical student?". Ek eleh, tanya soalan tu pun dah gabra? No doctor, i researched a bit..And then i was covered in garbs taht look similar in Medik TV...Ish...they left just a hole for the doctor to operate on...Macam kena kafan la...even my feet is wrapped..She mintak izin, baca Bismillah and then jabbed me with anaesthetic (local, mind you)..Tingling pain, just a bit..After a while, she used some burning method to cut open. Tak pakai pisau dah ke lately? Lepas tu bau HANGIT + cecair termasuk my left eyes...I said,"Masuk mata!!" then the doctor wiped the liquid.Pelik tul bau hangit kat dalam OT ni...

I positioned my hands on me chest, sambil tu doctor was having conversation with student..."Asal mana?" Student said Kelantan...Then Dr said, "ha, saya study kat USM Kubang Kerian...I menyampuk, "Ha!!! Saya study kat USM Penang la doctor!!"..(haha boleh nyibuk plak time kena kerat kepala)...Jadi jejak kasih la plak...Sometimes i felt the doctor is tugging to hard on the cyst...Sheeesh...apa apa je lah...

Finally she settled jahit (ke pakai paste?) i dunno, she gave me MC and i felt relieved it's all over...
